Peshal Nepal Apps

Sound Recorder + Pro 1.8
Peshal Nepal
Sound Recorder + Pro is a High Quality Sound Recorder, as well asSound Processing Application. It records PCM 16 Bit Audio sample invarious Sampling Rate depending on the settings selected by theUser. Application supports mixing multiple streams, mergingmultiple streams, amplifying streams and Echo addition to therecorded files. Here are the list of features:>> Sampling Rate: Selection from 8000Hz, 11025Hz, 16000Hz,22050Hz, 32000Hz, 44100Hz and 48000Hz depending on devicecompatibility. Sampling Rates refer to the no of samples persecond. An audio recorded at 16000Hz will have 16000 samples persecond. In PCM 16 Bit encoding, 2 bytes constitute a sample. A fiveminute recording will have 16000 x 2 x 60 x 5 no of bytes which isabout 9.15 MegaBytes.>> Audio Source: Voice Recognition and Voice CommunicationModes support AGC or Automatic Gain Control.>> Mixing Multiple Samples: Sound Recorder + Pro supportsmixing multiple samples and generates a new files playablecontaining all the samples selected for the mix. For example if 5files were mixed each 15s long, the resulting mix will be 15s longas well but constitute all the samples.>> Merging Samples: Sound Recorder + Pro supports mergingmultiple samples at once. The samples will be added one afteranother. For example, if there are 5 samples of 15s duration each,the resulting sample will be 75s long.>> Amplify Samples: Sound Recorder + Pro allows easyamplification of the samples with full user control. There are 7different level of amplification 1 resulting least amplificationwhile 7 resulting the highest amplification. This can be set in theSettings Page.>> Add Echo: Sound Recorder + Pro allows easy echoaddition with a completely customizable interface. User can selectseveral Echo Delay in the Setting menu ranging from 100 Millisecondto 1000 Millisecond.>> Share Samples with your closed ones: Sound Recorder +Pro allows easy sharing of the samples via email or various otherapplication if installed on the device such as Twitter, GoogleDrive, Dropbox and many more.>> Delete Multiple Files: Sound Recorder + Pro allows easydeletion of multiple recordings>>Rename Recordings: Sound Recorder + Pro allows to easilyrename recordings>>Audio Details :Sound Recorder + Pro allows to view theaudio details such as the sampling rate, number of channels andapproximate size of the sample>>Mix and Amplify Together: Sound Recorder + Pro allows tomix the samples and amplify the resulting mix at once.>>Keep Display On: Sound Recorder + Pro allows user toselect if they want to have display on during recording session ornot.UPDATE: We have discontinued the Paid version and turned it intoa Free Ad Supported Version so that more users can enjoy theprocessing power of Sound Recorder + Pro. Buyer of the Pro Versionhas been refunded the amount.More New Features Yet to Come...Change log:Version 1.6, 1.7>>Code cleanup and optimization>>Enhanced error handling to initialize the recorder indefault mode of 44100Hz when the user selected frequency is notsupported by the device.>>Using PROCESSING flag for files that are still on processand these files are not displayed until the process completes>>Using Alarm Manager to schedule a daily task to cleanupfiles that are corrupt due to technical issues during file sampleprocessing event such as mixing, merging etc.Version 1.5-Added the ability to turn off the recording animation via settingsmenuVersion 1.3/1.4- Turned the application into free version- Initial buyer has been refunded the amountVersion 1.2- Application Launch BugFix
Nepali Music And More 9.2
Peshal Nepal
Nepali music and more feature music from Nepalincluding songs and radio stations.It currently has about 800+songs and 20+ radio stations. I will be adding more songs and radiostations in each new update. It is a android native app which meansits very fast.The app has a very beautiful View Pager Swipe interface with smoothanimations. The app is also very stable and supports devicesrunning 2.2 Froyo all the way to 7.0 Android Nougat.The app doesnt store any songs on the device itself. It streamsmusic from various sources readily available in internet. Alltrademarks, trade names, service marks, copyrighted work belongs tothe owners of these sources found at various web sites. Adsupported Version.Any feedback is highly appreciated!!!Version 7.3 to 7.8>>New Songs>>Automatic Playlist Refresh>>Added SQLite Database>>Multiple BugFixes>>Removed Animations>>You can now delete individual item from your playlist bylong pressing the songVersion 7.0, 7.1, 7.2>>BugFixes>>Better Call Handling during playbackVersion 6.7, 6.8, 6.9>> Playlist Added (long press songs to add to playlist) makesure you refresh playlist using menu button on top right to see thesongs recently added to the playlist>> Critical Bugfix
Bouncing Particles LWP Free 3.5
Peshal Nepal
Bouncing Particles Live Wallpaper has a veryBeautiful and Soothing particle effect. Some of the new particlesincludes snow flakes maple leaf and hearts. It uses Physicsproperties such as Speed, Rotation, Scale and Transparency togenerate a very unique and completely customizable Particle Effect.Users have the ability to choose from ten different particles,eight different background colors, set custom Speed and customnumber of particles allowing the live wallpaper to fit the need ofall sorts of users.Future Updates will include some cool presets and more particleswill be added.Ad supported version, generates ad in the Settingsmenu.To set the live wallpaper, install the app. After theinstallation is complete, tap and hold on any empty area on yourhomescreen. Then select live wallpapers to choose BouncingParticles Live Wallpaper Free.Note: This live wallpaper can be manipulated to huge extentdepending on the device.For instance, some devices can handle hugefrequency of particles, at the same time other devices may not beable to handle it and you may receive out of memory error. On thatoccasion go back to the default value and change the value by lownumbers to figure out the exact potential of the device.
Sound Recorder + 5.2
Peshal Nepal
Sound Recorder + is a High Quality audiorecorder app for android devices which allows easy sharing of therecordings via various applications as well as email. It recordsStereo CD quality uncompressed audio with Sampling Rate of up to48000Hz giving very clear recordings. The recordings are saved in.wav format. The app feature speed, beautiful design, simplicityand nice features at the same time making a unique and pleasurableuser experience possible. The app can record high quality audio,play the recorded audio right away, store the audio in the externalstorage of the device and display all the recorded audio files sothat they can be played later within the same application.Here are the preferences that can be selected by user:Sampling Rate: 8000Hz, 11025Hz, 16000Hz, 22050Hz, 32000Hz,44056Hz, 44100Hz, 48000Hz. Remember that all the sampling ratesmight not be supported by every device.Channels: 1(Mono), 2(Stereo)Audio Source: Default, Mic, Voice Communication, VoiceRecognition. Voice Communication source takes advantage of echocancellation or AGC(Automatic Gain Control) if supported byhardware, else the default source will be used.More customization to come in new updates.Changelog:Version 5.0-BugfixesVersion 4.9-Delete Multiple files at once-BugfixesVersion 4.8-Vibration settings added. Users can now enable or disable thevibration from the settings menu-BugFixes-Banner Ads added to support developmentVersion 4.7-layout support added for multiple screen sizesVersion 4.6-Recording doesn't stop anymore when the screen turns off-Recorded files duration is shown when the file is being playedfrom Files page-Several Fixes, Code Cleanups, new background for recorded filespageVersion 4.5-Users can now share their recordings via bluetooth, text, email,gmail, or any other application that supports sharing using androidAction Send feature by performing long press in the recordings.-Automatic Crash prevention when the user selects the samplingrate and channels combination that are not supported by theirdevice. The app will automatically change to default configurationof 44100Hz sampling rate and 1 Channel. Ad supportedapplication.Version 4.4-New Media Controls for the recorded file playback-Minor FixesVersion 4.3-UI Overhaul, major Bugfixes-Action Bar for all supported devices-New Animation, graphics and moreVersion 4.2-Adds new preference to select the audio source-Voice Communication source allows echo cancellation or automaticgain control if supported by your device else uses Default audiosource.Version 4.1-BugfixesVersion 4.0-New Animation-Displays the preference selected for recordingVersion 3.9-Ability to Rate the App from settings menuVersion 3.8-New App IconVersion 3.7-UI EnhancementsVersion 3.6-Adds preference menu. Users have the ability to select customsampling rate and number of channels to use.Version 3.5- Major Update- Records CD Quality Stereo audio with sampling rate of 44100Hz and16Bit PCM encoding.- The recordings are now stored in uncompressed wav format forclear recordings- BugFixes, UI Refinements and more!Version 3.2-Minor UI Changes and BugfixesVersion 3.1-Minor UI changes, New Recording Animation-Major BugfixVersion 3.0-High quality audio recording at 128Kbps-Uses aac instead of 3gpVersion 2.3-UI Refinements-Ability to delete individual recordings from the list by usinglong pressVersion 2.2-SeekBar FixesVersion 2.1-Bugfixes-New IconVersion 2.0-Major Update-Redefined UI-Delete button added-Haptic feedback enabled-faster layout transitions-New Animation, New graphics and moreVersion 1.3-BugfixesVersion 1.2-Added Timer for recording-Hardware AccelerationVersion 1.1-Layout Fixes-SeekBar added for recorded file playbackVersion 1.0-Initial Release-Beautiful UI-Fast-Stable-Media Player Integration
Top Nepali Videos 13.0
Peshal Nepal
Top Nepali Videos is a collection of Nepalimusic videos based on different genre such as Pop, Dohori, Rock,Movie Songs and more. The app utilizes Youtube Data API tointegrate Youtube player for easy access to all the Nepali videoson Youtube. The app doesnt store any music videos and solely playsvideo from Youtube using Youtube player. If you find any of yourvideos that you would not like to see in the app, simply search thesong title in and contact the video uploader to removethe video. Hope to hear your feedbacks for continuous improvementto the app.